Application Performance Metrics

This document was translated by GPT-4

# 1. Service List

With no code insertion required in your application, DeepFlow generates application performance metrics for all services automatically. The table name in the database: flow_metrics.application.

# 1.1 Tags

List of automatically injected tags: IP, protocol, port, collection location, cloud resources, K8s resources, K8s custom labels, with detailed field descriptions provided in the link below.

Name DisplayName Description
time Time
region Region
az Availability Zone
host VM Hypervisor Host running virtual machine.
chost Cloud Host Including virtual machines
vpc VPC
subnet Subnet
router Router
dhcpgw DHCP Gateway
lb Load Balancer
lb_listener Load Balancer Listener
natgw NAT Gateway
redis Redis
rds RDS
pod_cluster K8s Cluster
pod_ns K8s Namespace
pod_node K8s Node
pod_ingress K8s Ingress
pod_service K8s Service
pod_group_type K8s Workload Type
pod_group K8s Workload Such as Deployment
pod K8s POD
service Service
resource_gl0_type Type - K8s POD First Deprecated,please use auto_instance_type.
resource_gl0 Instance - K8s POD First Deprecated,please use auto_instance.
resource_gl1_type Type - K8s Workload First Deprecated,please use auto_service_type.
resource_gl1 Instance - K8s Workload First Deprecated,please use auto_service.
resource_gl2_type Type - K8s Service First Deprecated,please use auto_service_type.
resource_gl2 Instance - K8s Service First Deprecated,please use auto_service.
auto_instance_type Type - K8s POD First The type of 'auto_instance'.
auto_instance Instance - K8s POD First The instance of IP
auto_service_type Type - K8s Service First The type of 'auto_service'.
auto_service Instance - K8s Service First On the basis of 'auto_instance'
gprocess Process
host_ip VM Hypervisor The management IP address of VM Hypervisor.
host_hostname VM Hypervisor The hostname of VM Hypervisor.
chost_ip Cloud Host The primary IP address of Cloud Host.
chost_hostname Cloud Host The hostname of Cloud Host.
pod_node_ip K8s Node The primary IP address of K8s Node.
pod_node_hostname K8s Node The hostname of K8s Node.
k8s.label K8s Label
k8s.annotation K8s Annotation
k8s.env K8s Env
cloud.tag Cloud Tag OS APP
ip IP Address
is_ipv4 IPv4 Flag
protocol Network Protocol
server_port Server Port
l7_protocol Application Protocol
app_service Application Service
app_instance Application Instance
endpoint Endpoint
tap Traffic Access Point Deprecated,please use capture_network_type.
capture_network_type Network Location The network location for capturing traffic uses a fixed value (Cloud Network) to represent intra-cloud traffic
vtap DeepFlow Agent Deprecated,please use agent.
agent DeepFlow Agent
signal_source Signal Source
role Role
biz_type Business Type

generate from csv file: application.en

# 1.2 Metrics

List of metrics: throughput, latency, anomalies, with detailed field descriptions provided below.

Field DisplayName Unit Description
request Request
response Response
rrt Avg Delay us
rrt_max Max Delay us
error Error
client_error Client Error
server_error Server Error
timeout Timeout
error_ratio Error % %
client_error_ratio Client Error % %
server_error_ratio Server Error % %
row Row Count

generate from csv file: application.en

# 1.3 Grafana Dashboard

Based on the above data, rich Dashboards can be constructed through Grafana. We have pre-set an Application - K8s Pod Dashboard in Grafana, the image of which is as follows:

Application K8s Pod

Application K8s Pod

You can also visit DeepFlow Online Demo (opens new window) to check the effect.

# 2. Universal Service Map

DeepFlow automatically generates the full-stack access path and application performance metrics for all services without requiring any code to be inserted into your application. The database table name: flow_metrics.application_map.

# 2.1 Tags

List of automatically injected tags: IP, protocol, port, collection location, cloud resources, K8s resources, K8s custom labels, with detailed field descriptions provided in the link below.

Name DisplayName Description
time Time
region Region
az Availability Zone
host VM Hypervisor Host running virtual machine.
chost Cloud Host Including virtual machines
vpc VPC
subnet Subnet
router Router
dhcpgw DHCP Gateway
lb Load Balancer
lb_listener Load Balancer Listener
natgw NAT Gateway
redis Redis
rds RDS
pod_cluster K8s Cluster
pod_ns K8s Namespace
pod_node K8s Node
pod_ingress K8s Ingress
pod_service K8s Service
pod_group_type K8s Workload Type
pod_group K8s Workload Such as Deployment
pod K8s POD
service Service
resource_gl0_type Type - K8s POD First Deprecated,please use auto_instance_type.
resource_gl0 Instance - K8s POD First Deprecated,please use auto_instance.
resource_gl1_type Type - K8s Workload First Deprecated,please use auto_service_type.
resource_gl1 Instance - K8s Workload First Deprecated,please use auto_service.
resource_gl2_type Type - K8s Service First Deprecated,please use auto_service_type.
resource_gl2 Instance - K8s Service First Deprecated,please use auto_service.
auto_instance_type Type - K8s POD First The type of 'auto_instance'.
auto_instance Instance - K8s POD First The instance of IP
auto_service_type Type - K8s Service First The type of 'auto_service'.
auto_service Instance - K8s Service First On the basis of 'auto_instance'
gprocess Process
tap_port_host Tap Port Host
tap_port_chost Tap Port Cloud Host
tap_port_pod_node Tap Port K8s Node
capture_nic_host Host of Capture NIC
capture_nic_chost Cloud Host of Capture NIC
capture_nic_pod_node K8s Node of Capture NIC
host_ip VM Hypervisor The management IP address of VM Hypervisor.
host_hostname VM Hypervisor The hostname of VM Hypervisor.
chost_ip Cloud Host The primary IP address of Cloud Host.
chost_hostname Cloud Host The hostname of Cloud Host.
pod_node_ip K8s Node The primary IP address of K8s Node.
pod_node_hostname K8s Node The hostname of K8s Node.
k8s.label K8s Label
k8s.annotation K8s Annotation
k8s.env K8s Env
cloud.tag Cloud Tag OS APP
ip IP Address
is_ipv4 IPv4 Flag
is_internet Internet IP Flag Whether the IP address is an external Internet address.
protocol Network Protocol
tunnel_type Tunnel Type
server_port Server Port
l7_protocol Application Protocol
app_service Application Service
app_instance Application Instance
endpoint Endpoint
tap Traffic Access Point Deprecated,please use capture_network_type.
capture_network_type Network Location The network location for capturing traffic uses a fixed value (Cloud Network) to represent intra-cloud traffic
vtap DeepFlow Agent
agent DeepFlow Agent
nat_source NAT Source
tap_port TAP Port Identifier Deprecated
tap_port_name TAP Port Name Deprecated
tap_port_type TAP Port Type Deprecated
capture_nic Capture NIC ID When the value of tap_port_type is 'Local NIC'
capture_nic_name Capture NIC Name When the value of tap_port_type is 'Local NIC'
capture_nic_type Capture NIC Type Indicates the type of traffic collection location
tap_side TAP Side Deprecated
observation_point Observation Point The logical location of the collection location in the traffic path
signal_source Signal Source
biz_type Business Type

generate from csv file: application_map.en

# 2.2 Metrics

List of metrics: throughput, latency, anomalies, with detailed field descriptions provided below.

Field DisplayName Unit Description
request Request
response Response
direction_score Direction Score The higher the score
rrt Avg Delay us
rrt_max Max Delay us
error Error
client_error Client Error
server_error Server Error
timeout Timeout
error_ratio Error % %
client_error_ratio Client Error % %
server_error_ratio Server Error % %
row Row Count

generate from csv file: application_map.en

# 2.3 Grafana Dashboard

Based on the above data, rich Dashboards can be constructed through Grafana. We have pre-set an Application - K8s Pod Map Dashboard in Grafana, the image of which is as follows:

Application K8s Pod Map

Application K8s Pod Map

You can also visit DeepFlow Online Demo (opens new window) to check the effect.