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# 1. Introduction

Starting from v6.2.1, DeepFlow supports PromQL, and currently the following Prometheus APIs have been implemented, which can be directly invoked through HTTP. Please refer to Prometheus interface definition (opens new window) for details:

Http Method Path Prometheus API Description
GET/POST /prom/api/v1/query /api/v1/query Query data at a specific time point
GET/POST /prom/api/v1/query_range /api/v1/query_range Query data within a time range
GET /prom/api/v1/label/:labelName/values /api/v1/label/<label_name>/values Get all tags of a metric
GET/POST /prom/api/v1/series /api/v1/series Get all time series

# 1.1 DeepFlow Metric Definition

When DeepFlow's metrics are provided for PromQL queries, the metric name is constructed in the format of ${database}__${table}__${metric}__${data_precision}. You can get the target data source for the query from the AutoMetrics Metric Type definition. The specific rules are as follows:

db metrics
flow_log {db}__{table}__{metric}
flow_metrics (value of data_precision is 1m/1s) {db}__{table}__{metric}__{data_precision}
ext_metrics (Data written through Prometheus RemoteWrite) ext_metrics__metrics__prometheus_{metric}

For example:

  • flow_metrics__application__request__1m: Represents the query of the application layer request count aggregated every minute.
  • flow_metrics__network__tcp_timeout__1s: Represents the query of the network layer Tcp timeout count aggregated every second.
  • flow_log__l7_flow_log__error: Represents the query of the number of exceptions at the application layer.

# 1.2 Known Limitations

In the Grafana panel operation, the currently known limitations are:

  • Unable to directly query labels, you need to select metrics before you can select labels
  • When re-selecting metrics, you need to remove all labels
  • The query will throw an error when the metrics name carries characters such as .- that Prometheus does not support.

When directly querying or writing alarm rules based on PromQL, the currently known limitations are:

  • Unable to use ~/!~ to search for metrics names through regular expressions
  • For metrics provided by DeepFlow, you must first determine the aggregation calculation method through appregation operator (opens new window), and then perform specific metric queries. Among them, the stdvar, topk, bottomk, quantile functions are not yet supported, and will continue to be supported in future iterations.

# 2. Query DeepFlow Metrics Based on PromQL

Based on the above definition, we can query DeepFlow metrics based on PromQL, note to determine the aggregation calculation method first, such as:

  • Query the time series trend of http 500 response code for all requests:
sum(flow_log__l7_flow_log__server_error{response_code="500"}) by(request_resource, response_code)
  • If we want to see the time series trend of each specific service, add service grouping:
sum(flow_log__l7_flow_log__server_error{response_code="500"}) by(auto_service_1, request_resource, response_code)
  • Use an evaluation interval of 10s to query the trend of TCP connection latency in the past 5 minutes by service grouping:
  • Based on a 1m evaluation interval, query the trend of average application latency over the past 10 minutes by service grouping:

# 3. Implement Prometheus Alerts Based on DeepFlow Metrics

With the above examples in mind, after Prometheus RemoteRead is configured, you can build alert rules on Prometheus based on these metrics, such as:

  • Alert for requests with latency > 1s and lasting for more than 1m:
  - name: requestMonitoring
      - alert: requestDelayAlert
        expr: avg(flow_metrics__application__rrt__1m)by(l7_protocol, auto_service, auto_instance) / 10^6 > 1
        for: 1m
          summary: 'High Request Latenry'
          description: '{{ $labels.auto_instance }} request to {{ $labels.auto_service }} has a high request latency above 1s (current value: {{ $value }}s)'

We will also support direct configuration of alert rules in subsequent iterations of DeepFlow. Stay tuned.