Integrate Prometheus Data

This document was translated by GPT-4

# 1. Data Flow

# 2. Configure Prometheus

# 2.1 Install Prometheus

You can learn about the related background knowledge in the Prometheus documentation (opens new window). If your cluster does not have Prometheus, you can quickly deploy a Prometheus in the deepflow-prometheus-demo namespace with the following steps:

# add helm chart
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update

# install prometheus
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus -n deepflow-prometheus-demo --create-namespace

# 2.2 Configure remote_write

We need to configure Prometheus remote_write to send data to DeepFlow Agent.

First, determine the address of the data listening service started by the DeepFlow Agent. After installing DeepFlow Agent, the DeepFlow Agent Service address will be displayed, its default value is deepflow-agent.default, please fill in the configuration according to the actual service name and namespace.

The following command can modify the default configuration of Prometheus (assuming it is in deepflow-prometheus-demo):

kubectl edit cm -n deepflow-prometheus-demo prometheus-server

Configure remote_write address (please modify DEEPFLOW_AGENT_SVC to the service name of deepflow-agent):

  - url: http://${DEEPFLOW_AGENT_SVC}/api/v1/prometheus

# 2.3 Configure remote_read

If you want Prometheus to query data from DeepFlow, you need to configure Prometheus's remote_read (please modify DEEPFLOW_SERVER_SVC to the service name of deepflow-server):

  - url: http://${DEEPFLOW_SERVER_SVC}/api/v1/prom/read
    read_recent: true

# 3. Configure DeepFlow

Please refer to the content of Configure DeepFlow and add configuration prometheus targets api address (v6.2 and earlier versions do not need to be configured) to complete the DeepFlow Agent configuration. The goal is to synchronize prometheus activeTargets.labels and config to deepflow-server, to improve storage and query performance.

Add the following configuration to the Group where the Agent is located (please modify PROMETHEUS_HTTP_API_ADDRESSES):

prometheus_http_api_addresses: # This item should be filled in when integrating Prometheus metrics

# 4. View Prometheus Data

Metrics in Prometheus will be stored in DeepFlow's prometheus database. The original labels of Prometheus can be referenced through tag.XXX, and the metric values can be referenced through value. At the same time, DeepFlow will also automatically inject a lot of Meta Tag and Custom Tag, so that the data collected by Prometheus can be seamlessly associated with other data sources.

When using Grafana and selecting the DeepFlow data source for search, the display is as follows:

Integration of Prometheus Data

Integration of Prometheus Data