Adding Subviews

This document was translated by GPT-4

# 1. Adding Subviews

A view is composed of one or more subviews. This section explains how to add subviews to a view.

Currently, subviews can only be added to views from the function page, which includes metrics, applications, and network function subviews.

Step 1: Navigate to the function module page where the subview is to be added, such as clicking ① Application-Service to go to the Service Overview page.



Step 2: Select the subview to be added to the view, click the ② Settings button in the subview, and choose the ③ Add to View option.



Step 3: Verify the ④ name of the subview and select the ⑤ view to which the current subview is to be added. Click ⑥ Confirm to successfully add it to the corresponding view.

