List of Application Protocols

This document was translated by GPT-4

# 1. Supported Application Protocols

Value DisplayName Description
0 N/A
21 HTTP2
40 Dubbo
41 gRPC
44 FastCGI
45 bRPC
60 MySQL
61 PostgreSQL
62 Oracle
80 Redis
81 MongoDB
100 Kafka
101 MQTT
102 AMQP RabbitMQ
103 OpenWire ActiveMQ
104 NATS
105 Pulsar
106 ZMTP ZeroMQ
120 DNS
121 TLS
127 Custom

generate from csv file: l7_protocol

# 2. Explanation of Call Log Fields

The call log (flow_log.l7_flow_log) data table stores aggregated request logs for various protocols with a granularity of one minute and is composed of Tag and Metrics fields.

# 2.1 Tags

Tag fields: These fields are mainly used for grouping and filtering. Detailed field descriptions are as follows.

Name DisplayName Description
_id UID
time Time Round end_time to seconds.
region Region
az Availability Zone
host VM Hypervisor Host running virtual machine.
chost Cloud Host Including virtual machines
vpc VPC
l2_vpc Forwarding VPC VPC where the MAC address is located.
subnet Subnet
router Router
dhcpgw DHCP Gateway
lb Load Balancer
lb_listener Load Balancer Listener
natgw NAT Gateway
redis Redis
rds RDS
pod_cluster K8s Cluster
pod_ns K8s Namespace
pod_node K8s Node
pod_ingress K8s Ingress
pod_service K8s Service
pod_group_type K8s Workload Type
pod_group K8s Workload Such as Deployment
pod K8s POD
service Service
resource_gl0_type Type - K8s POD First Deprecated,please use auto_instance_type.
resource_gl0 Instance - K8s POD First Deprecated,please use auto_instance.
resource_gl1_type Type - K8s Workload First Deprecated,please use auto_service_type.
resource_gl1 Instance - K8s Workload First Deprecated,please use auto_service.
resource_gl2_type Type - K8s Service First Deprecated,please use auto_service_type.
resource_gl2 Instance - K8s Service First Deprecated,please use auto_service.
auto_instance_type Type - K8s POD First The type of 'auto_instance'.
auto_instance Instance - K8s POD First The instance of IP
auto_service_type Type - K8s Service First The type of 'auto_service'.
auto_service Instance - K8s Service First On the basis of 'auto_instance'
gprocess Process
tap_port_host Tap Port Host Deprecated,please use capture_nic_host.
tap_port_chost Tap Port Cloud Host Deprecated,please use capture_nic_chost.
tap_port_pod_node Tap Port K8s Node Deprecated,please use capture_nic_pod_node.
capture_nic_host Host of Capture NIC
capture_nic_chost Cloud Host of Capture NIC
capture_nic_pod_node K8s Node of Capture NIC
host_ip VM Hypervisor The management IP address of VM Hypervisor.
host_hostname VM Hypervisor The hostname of VM Hypervisor.
chost_ip Cloud Host The primary IP address of Cloud Host.
chost_hostname Cloud Host The hostname of Cloud Host.
pod_node_ip K8s Node The primary IP address of K8s Node.
pod_node_hostname K8s Node The hostname of K8s Node.
k8s.label K8s Label
k8s.annotation K8s Annotation
k8s.env K8s Env
attribute Attribute
cloud.tag Cloud Tag OS APP
ip IP Address
is_ipv4 IPv4 Flag
is_internet Internet IP Flag Whether the IP address is an external Internet address.
protocol Network Protocol
tunnel_type Tunnel Type
client_port Client Port
server_port Server Port
tcp_seq TCP Seq
req_tcp_seq TCP Seq of Request
resp_tcp_seq TCP Seq of Response
l7_protocol Application Protocol
l7_protocol_str Application Protocol In string.
is_tls TLS
version Protocol Version
type Log Type
request_type Request Type
request_domain Request Domain
request_resource Request Resource
request_id Request ID
response_status Response Status
response_code Response Code
response_exception Response Exception
response_result Response Result
events Events
app_service Application Service
app_instance Application Instance
endpoint API Endpoint
process_id Process ID
process_kname Kernel Thread Name
trace_id TraceID
span_id SpanID
parent_span_id ParentSpanID
span_kind Span Kind From OpenTelemetry.
x_request_id X-Request-ID
x_request_id_0 Request X-Request-ID
x_request_id_1 Response X-Request-ID
http_proxy_client HTTP Client IP Real client IP before proxy translate.
syscall_trace_id Syscall TraceID
syscall_trace_id_request Req Syscall TraceID
syscall_trace_id_response Resp Syscall TraceID
syscall_thread Syscall Thread
syscall_thread_0 Req Syscall Thread
syscall_thread_1 Resp Syscall Thread
syscall_coroutine Syscall Coroutine
syscall_coroutine_0 Req Syscall Coroutine
syscall_coroutine_1 Resp Syscall Coroutine
syscall_cap_seq Syscall CapSeq
syscall_cap_seq_0 Req Syscall CapSeq
syscall_cap_seq_1 Resp Syscall CapSeq
flow_id Flow ID
start_time Start Time Unit: microseconds. Start time of request.
end_time End Time Unit: microseconds. Start time of response
signal_source Signal Source
tap Traffic Access Point Deprecated,please use capture_network_type.
capture_network_type Network Location The network location for capturing traffic uses a fixed value (Cloud Network) to represent intra-cloud traffic
vtap DeepFlow Agent Deprecated
agent DeepFlow Agent
nat_source NAT Source
tap_port TAP Port Identifier Deprecated
tap_port_name TAP Port Name Deprecated
tap_port_type TAP Port Type Deprecated
capture_nic Capture NIC ID When the value of tap_port_type is 'Local NIC'
capture_nic_name Capture NIC Name When the value of tap_port_type is 'Local NIC'
capture_nic_type Capture NIC Type Indicates the type of traffic collection location
tap_side TAP Side Deprecated
observation_point Observation Point The logical location of the collection location in the traffic path
biz_type Business Type

generate from csv file: l7_flow_log.en

# 2.2 Metrics

Metrics fields: These fields are mainly used for calculation. Detailed field descriptions are as follows.

Field DisplayName Unit Description
request Request
response Response
session_length Session Total Bytes Byte request_length + response_length.
request_length Request Total Bytes Byte
response_length Response Total Bytes Byte
sql_affected_rows SQL Affected Rows Row
direction_score Direction Score The higher the score
log_count Log Count
error Error Client Error + Server Error.
client_error Client Error
server_error Server Error
error_ratio Error % % Error / Response.
client_error_ratio Client Error % % Client Error / Response.
server_error_ratio Server Error % % Server Error / Response.
response_duration Response Delay us If the log type is Session
row Row Count

generate from csv file: l7_flow_log.en

# 3. Field Mapping of Each Application Protocol

# 3.1 HTTP Protocol Family

# 3.1.1 HTTP

By parsing the HTTP protocol, the fields of HTTP Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l7_flow_log, as shown in the table below:

Tag Field Mapping Table, The Following Table Only Contains Fields With Mapping Relationships

Name Chinese Request Header Response Header Description
version Protocol Version First Line Version -- --
request_type Request Type First Line Method -- --
request_domain Request Domain Host -- --
request_resource Request Resource Path -- --
request_id Request ID Stream ID -- Only for HTTP2
response_status Response Status -- Status Code Client Errors: Status Code=4xx; Server Errors: Status Code=5xx
response_code Response Code -- Status Code --
response_exception Response Exception -- Status Code Status Code's official English description, Refer to Wikipedia List of HTTP status codes (opens new window)
trace_id TraceID traceparent, sw8 traceparent, sw8 Configurable deepflow-agent's http_log_trace_id to modify the matching Header, detailed description will follow
span_id SpanID traceparent, sw8 traceparent, sw8 Configurable deepflow-agent's http_log_span_id to modify the matching Header, detailed description will follow
http_proxy_client HTTP Proxy Client X-Forwarded-For -- Configurable deepflow-agent's http_log_proxy_client to modify the matching Header
x_request_id X-Request-ID X-Request-ID X-Request-ID Configurable deepflow-agent's http_log_x_request_id to modify the matching Header
attribute.http_user_agent -- User-Agent -- --
attribute.http_referer -- Referer -- --
  • TraceID (trace_id) only reads the following parts of the HTTP Header data, all other Header data is read:
    • The trace ID in the sw8/sw6 Header
    • The {trace-id} in the uber-trace-id Header
    • The trace-id in the traceparent Header
  • SpanID (span_id) only reads the following parts of the HTTP Header data, all other Header data is read:
    • The segment ID-span ID in the sw8/sw6 Header
    • The {span-id} in the uber-trace-id Header
    • The parent-id in the traceparent Header

Metrics Field Mapping Table, The Following Table Only Contains Fields With Mapping Relationships

Name Chinese Request Header Response Header Description
request Request -- -- Number of Requests
response Response -- -- Number of Responses
session_length Session Length -- -- Request Length + Response Length
request_length Request Length Content-Length -- --
request_length Response Length -- Content-Length --
log_count Total Log Volume -- -- Number of Request Log Lines
error Exception -- -- Client Errors + Server Errors
client_error Client Errors -- Status Code Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
server_error Server Errors -- Status Code Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
error_ratio Exception Ratio -- -- Exceptions / Responses
client_error_ratio Client Error Ratio -- -- Client Errors / Responses
server_error_ratio Server Error Ratio -- -- Server Errors / Responses

# 3.1.2 HTTP2


# 3.2 RPC Protocol Family

# 3.2.1 Dubbo

By parsing the Dubbo (opens new window) protocol, the fields of Dubbo Request / Response can be mapped to the corresponding fields in l7_flow_log, as shown in the following table:

Tag Field Mapping Table, The Following Table Only Contains Fields With Mapping Relationships

Name Chinese Request Response Description
version Protocol Version Version -- --
request_type Request Type Method name -- --
request_resource Request Resource Service name -- --
request_id Request ID Request ID -- --
response_status Response Status -- Status Normal: Status=20; Client Errors: Status=30/40/90; Server Errors: Status=31/50/60/70/80/100
response_code Response Code -- Status --
response_exception Response Exception -- Status Status's official English descriptionRefer to the detailed explanation of Dubbo protocol (opens new window)
endpoint Endpoint Service name/Method name -- --
trace_id TraceID Attachments field traceparent, sw8 -- Configurable deepflow-agent's http_log_trace_id to modify the matching Attachments field, detailed description given in HTTP protocol description
span_id SpanID Attachments field traceparent, sw8 -- Configurable deepflow-agent's http_log_trace_id to modify the matching Attachments field, detailed description given in HTTP protocol description
attribute.rpc_service -- Service name -- --

Metrics Field Mapping Table, this table only contains fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of Requests
response response -- -- Number of Responses
session_length session length -- -- Request length + Response length
request_length request length Data length -- --
response_length response length -- Data length --
log_count total logs -- -- --
error error -- -- Client errors + Server errors
client_error client error -- Status Refer to response_code in Tag field
server_error server error -- Status Refer to response_code in Tag field
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server errors / Responses

# 3.2.2 gRPC

The gRPC protocol is parsed and the fields of gRPC Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l6_flow_log as shown in the following table:

Tag Field Mapping Table, this table only contains fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese HTTP1 Request Header HTTP2 Response Header Description
version protocol version Version -- --
request_type request type Method -- --
request_domain request domain Host -- --
request_resource request resource Service-Name -- --
request_id request ID Stream ID -- --
response_status response status -- Status Code Client error: Status Code=3xx; Server error: Status Code=5xx
response_code response code -- Status Code --
response_exception response exception -- Status Code The official English description of Status Code refers to Wikipedia List of HTTP status codes (opens new window)
endpoint endpoint Path -- --
trace_id TraceID traceparent, sw7 traceparent, sw8 The http_log_trace_id of deepflow-agent can be configured to modify the matching Header, as detailed in the HTTP protocol description
span_id SpanID traceparent, sw7 traceparent, sw8 The http_log_span_id of deepflow-agent can be configured to modify the matching Header, as detailed in the HTTP protocol description
http_proxy_client HTTP proxy client X-Forwarded-For X-Forwarded-For The http_log_proxy_client of deepflow-agent can be configured to modify the matching Header
x_request_id X-Request-ID X-Request-ID X-Request-ID The http_log_x_request_id of deepflow-agent can be configured to modify the matching Header
attribute.rpc_service -- Service-Name -- --
attribute.http_user_agent -- User-Agent -- --

Metrics Field Mapping Table, this table only contains fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese HTTP1 Request Header HTTP2 Response Header Description
request request -- -- Number of Requests
response response -- Number of Responses
session_length session length -- -- Request length + Response length
request_length request length Content-Length -- --
request_length response length -- Content-Length --
log_count total logs -- -- --
error error -- -- Client errors + Server errors
client_error client error -- Status Code Refer to response_code in Tag field
server_error server error -- Status Code Refer to response_code in Tag field
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server errors / Responses

# 3.2.3 SOFARPC

The SofaRPC (opens new window) protocol is parsed and the fields of FastCGI Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l7_flow_log as shown in the following table:

Tag Field Mapping Table, this table contains only fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type header field sofa_head_method_name or the methodName field of class -- --
request_resource request resource sofa_head_target_service in header or targetServiceUniqueName field in -- --
request_domain request domain -- -- --
request_id request ID req_id -- --
response_status response status -- resp_code Client error: Status Code = 7; Server error: Status Code != 0
response_code response code -- resp_code Client error: Status Code = 7; Server error: Status Code != 0
endpoint endpoint request_type/request_resource -- --
trace_id TraceID rpc_trace_context.sofaTraceId in header or new_rpc_trace_context or the sofaTraceId field of class -- --
span_id SpanID new_rpc_trace_context in header -- --
x_request_id -- -- -- --

Metrics Field Mapping Table, this table only contains fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of Requests
response response -- -- Number of Responses
session_length session length -- -- --
request_length request length -- -- --
request_length response length -- -- --
log_count total logs -- -- --
error error -- -- Client errors + Server errors
client_error client error -- Status Code Refer to response_code in Tag field
server_error server error -- Status Code Refer to response_code in Tag field
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server errors / Responses

# 3.2.4 FastCGI

The FastCGI (opens new window) protocol is parsed and the fields of FastCGI Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l6_flow_log as shown in the following table:

Tag Field Mapping Table, this table only contains fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type REQUEST_METHOD in PARAM -- --
request_resource request resource REQUEST_URI in PARAM -- --
request_domain request domain HTTP_HOST in PARAM -- --
request_id request ID request id -- --
response_status response status -- Status Code Client error: Status Code=3xx; Server error: Status Code=5xx
response_code response code 199 in STDOUT’s Status Status Code --
endpoint endpoint SERVER_ADDR in PARAM -- --
trace_id TraceID traceparent, sw7 traceparent, sw8 The http_log_trace_id of deepflow-agent can be configured to modify the matching Header, as detailed in the HTTP protocol description
span_id SpanID traceparent, sw7 traceparent, sw8 The http_log_span_id of deepflow-agent can be configured to modify the matching Header, as detailed in the HTTP protocol description
x_request_id X-Request-ID X-Request-ID X-Request-ID The http_log_x_request_id of deepflow-agent can be configured to modify the matching Header

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only contains fields with existing mapping relationships

Name in Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of requests
response response -- -- Number of responses
session_length session length -- -- --
request_length request length -- -- --
request_length response length -- -- --
log_count log volume -- -- --
error error -- -- Client errors + Server errors
client_error client error -- Status Code Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
server_error server error -- Status Code Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server errors / Responses

# 3.3 SQL Protocol Group

# 3.3.1 MySQL

By parsing the MySQL (opens new window) protocol, the fields of MySQL Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l6_flow_log, the mapping relationship is as follows:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only contains fields with existing mapping relationships

Name in Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type Command -- Currently supports parsing COM_QUERY, COM_QUIT, COM_INIT_DB, COM_FIELD_LIST, COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, COM_STMT_FETCH, COM_STMT_CLOSE
request_resource request resource Statement -- --
request_id request ID Statement ID Statement ID Currently extracts from the response corresponding to COM_STMT_PREPARE and the request of the type COM_STMT_EXECUTE
response_status response status -- ERROR CODE of ERR message Normal: No ERR message; Client error: ERROR CODE=1999-2999 or client-sent 1-999; Server error: ERROR CODE=1000-1999/3000-4000 or server-sent 1-999
response_code response code -- ERROR CODE of ERR message --
response_exception response exception -- ERROR Message of ERR message --
trace_id TraceID trace_id - You can inject TraceID in SQL comments, for example /* your_trace_key: ffffffff */ SELECT col FROM tbl, and add your_trace_key in the http_log_trace_id configuration to extract the trace_id of the current SQL

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only contains fields with existing mapping relationships

Name in Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of requests
response response -- -- Number of responses
sql_affected_rows SQL affected rows -- Affected Rows of OK Message --
log_count log volume -- -- --
error error -- -- Client errors + Server errors
client_error client error -- ERROR CODE Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
server_error server error -- ERROR CODE Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors/Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server errors / Responses

# 3.3.2 PostgreSQL

By parsing the PostgreSQL (opens new window) protocol, the fields of PostgreSQL Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l7_flow_log, the mapping relationship is as follows:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only contains fields with existing mapping relationships

Name in Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type char tag of regular message -- --
request_resource request resource payload of regular message -- --
response_status response status -- Error Code Normal: No error return type of message; Client error: Error Code=02/0A/0B/0F/0L/0P/20/22/23/26/2F/34/3D/3F/42; Server error: Error Code=08/09/0Z/21/24/25/27/28/2B/2D/38/39/3B/40/44/53/54/55/57/5/72/F0/HV/P0/XX
response_exception response exception -- Error Code Official English Description of Error Code (
response_result response result -- code of error return message --

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only contains fields with existing mapping relationships

Name in Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of requests
response response -- Number of responses
sql_affected_rows SQL affected rows -- Affected Rows of command complete message --
log_count log volume -- -- --
error error -- -- Client errors + Server errors
client_error client error -- Error Code Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
server_error server error -- Error Code Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server errors / Responses

# 3.4 NoSQL Protocol Group

# 3.4.1 Redis

By parsing the Redis (opens new window) protocol, the fields of Redis Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l6_flow_log, the mapping relationship is as follows:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only contains fields with existing mapping relationships

Name in Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type First word of the payload -- --
request_resource request resource String following the first word of the payload -- --
response_status response status -- ERR message Normal: No ERR message; Client error: None; Server error: All ERR message
response_exception response exception -- Payload of ERR message --

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only contains fields with existing mapping relationships

Name in Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of requests
response response -- Number of responses
sql_affected_rows SQL affected rows -- Affected Rows of command complete message --
log_count log volume -- -- --
error error -- -- Client errors + Server errors
client_error client error -- -- --
server_error server error -- ERR message Refer to the explanation of Tag field response_code
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server errors / Responses

# 3.4.2 MongoDB

By parsing the MongoDB (opens new window) protocol, the fields of MongoDB Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l6_flow_log, the mapping relationship is as follows:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only contains fields with existing mapping relationships

Name in Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type First word of the payload -- OpCode field in Mongo message
request_resource request resource String following the first word of the payload -- BodyDocument field in Mongo message's Section
response_code response exception -- Payload of ERR message Code field in Mongo message's Section's BodyDocument
response_status response status -- Payload of ERR message Normal: No ERR message; Client error: All ERR message; Server error: None
response_exception response exception -- Payload of ERR message Errmsg field in Mongo message’s Section's BodyDocument

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationship

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of Requests
response response -- -- Number of Responses
error error -- -- Client Errors + Server Errors
client_error client error -- -- --
server_error server error -- ERRtext Refer to the description of the response_code in the Tag field
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client Errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server Errors / Responses

# 3.5 Message Queue Protocols Family

# 3.5.1 Kafka

By parsing the Kafka (opens new window) protocol, the fields of Kafka Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l6_flow_log, the mapping relationship is as follows:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationship

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type request_api_key -- --
request_id request ID correlation_id -- --
request_resource request resource topic_name -- Only supports Fetch and Produce types
response_status response status -- error_code Normal: error_code=-1; Client error: none; Server error: error_code!=0
response_code response code -- error_code Currently only parse the response code of Fetch command type
response_exception response exception -- error_code The official English description (opens new window) corresponding to error_code
trace_id TraceID sw7 or traceparent -- Extract the Header of the first Record

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationship

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of Requests
response response -- -- Number of Responses
session_length session length -- -- Request Length + Response Length
request_length request length message_size -- --
request_length response length -- message_size --
log_count total log amount -- -- --
error error -- -- Client Errors + Server Errors
client_error client error -- error_code Refer to the description of the response status in the Tag field
server_error server error -- error_code Refer to the description of the response_code in the Tag field
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client Errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server Errors / Responses

# 3.5.2 MQTT

By parsing the MQTT (opens new window) protocol, the fields of MQTT Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l7_flow_log, the mapping relationship is as follows:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationship

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type PacketKind -- --
request_domain request domain client_id -- --
request_resource request resource topic -- --
response_status response status -- code returned by connect_ack text Normal: code=-1; Client error: code=1/2/4/5; Server error: error_code=3
response_code response code -- code returned by connect_ack text --

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationship

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request request -- -- Number of Requests
response response -- -- Number of Responses
log_count total log amount -- -- --
error error -- -- Client Errors + Server Errors
client_error client error -- code returned by connect_ack text Refer to the description of the response status in the Tag field
server_error server error -- code returned by connect_ack text Refer to the description of the response_code in the Tag field
error_ratio error ratio -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio client error ratio -- -- Client Errors / Responses
server_error_ratio server error ratio -- -- Server Errors / Responses

# 3.6 Network Protocol Family

# 3.6.1 DNS

By parsing the DNS (opens new window) protocol, the fields of DNS Request / Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l7_flow_log, the mapping relationship is as follows:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationship

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request_type request type QTYPE -- --
request_resource request resource QNAME -- --
request_id request ID ID ID --
response_status response status -- RCODE Normal: RCODE=0xffffffff; Client error: RCODE=0x1/0x3; Server error: RCODE!=0x0/0x1/0x3
response_code response code -- RCODE --
response_exception response exception -- RCODE The official English description corresponding to RCODE, refer to RFC 2928 Section 2.3 (opens new window)
response_result response result -- RDATA --

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the table below only includes fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request Request -- -- Number of requests
response Response -- -- Number of responses

| log_count | Total logs | -- | -- | Number of Request Log lines | | error | Exception | -- | -- | Client + server exceptions | | client_error | Client error | -- | RCODE | Refer to response_code in Tag fields for explanation | | server_error | Server error | -- | RCODE | Refer to response_code in Tag fields for explanation | | error_ratio | Error ratio | -- | -- | Exceptions / responses | | client_error_ratio | Client error ratio | -- | -- | Client exceptions / responses | | server_error_ratio | Server error ratio | -- | -- | Server exceptions / responses |

# 3.7 OpenTelemetry Data Integration

By parsing the OpenTelemetry protocol, the fields in the data structure of the OpenTelemetry protocol are mapped to the corresponding fields in l6_flow_log, as shown in the table below:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the table below only includes fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese OpenTelemetry Data Structure Description
start_time Start time span.start_time_unix_nano --
end_time End time span.end_time_unix_nano --
protocol Network protocol Mapped to corresponding enumeration value
attributes Attributes resource./span.attributes --
ip IP address Detailed explanation in the following paragraphs
l6_protocol Application protocol span.attribute.http.scheme/db.system/rpc.system/messaging.system/messaging.protocol Mapped to corresponding enumeration value
l6_protocol_str Application protocol span.attribute.http.scheme/db.system/rpc.system/messaging.system/messaging.protocol --
version Protocol version span.attribute.http.flavor --
type Log type Session --
request_type Request type span.attribute.http.method/db.operation/rpc.method --
request_domain Request domain --
request_resource Request resource --
request_id Request ID
response_status Response status Response code=span.attribute.http.status_code refer to HTTP protocol definition; Response code=span.status.code, Unknown: STATUS_CODE_UNSET; Normal: STATUS_CODE_OK; Server error: STATUS_CODE_ERROR --
response_code Response code span.attribute.http.status_code/span.status.code span.attribute.http.status_code is used first
response_exception Response exception Response code=span.attribute.http.status_code refer to HTTP protocol definition; if response code=span.status.code, it corresponds to span.status.message --
service_name Service name resource./ --
service_instance_id Service instance resource./ --
endpoint Endpoint --
trace_id TraceID span.trace_id/attribute.sw7.trace_id attribute.sw8.trace_id is used first
span_id SpanID span.span_id/attribute.sw7.segment_id-attribute.sw8.span_id attribute.sw8.segment_id-attribute.sw8.span_id is used first
parent_span_id ParentSpanID span.parent_span_id/attribute.sw7.segment_id-attribute.sw8.parent_span_id attribute.sw8.segment_id-attribute.sw8.parent_span_id is used first
span_kind Span type span.span_kind --
tap_side Path statistical position span.spankind.SPAN_KIND_CLIENT/SPAN_KIND_PRODUCER:Client application (c-app); span.spankind.SPAN_KIND_SERVER/SPAN_KIND_CONSUMER: Server application (s-app); span.spankind.SPAN_KIND_UNSPECIFIED/SPAN_KIND_INTERNAL:Application (app) --
  • tap_side = c-app
    • corresponds to ip_-1 ; all the rest correspond to ip_1
      • Obtain the IP address of the previous level (the source of the Span) of the current application (otel-agent) through a k7s attributes processor plug-in (opens new window). For example: If the Span is generated by a POD, the POD's IP is obtained; if the Span is generated by a process deployed on a virtual machine, the IP of the virtual machine is obtained.
    • corresponds to ip_0; all the rest correspond to ip_0

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the table below only includes fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese OpenTelemetry Data Structure Description
request Request Number of Spans --
response Response Number of Spans --
session_length Session length Request length + Response length
request_length Request length span.attribute.http.request_content_length --
request_length Response length span.attribute.http.response_content_length --
sql_affected_rows SQL affected rows span.attribute.db.cassandra.page_size --
log_count Total logs Number of Spans Number of Request Log lines
error Exception -- Client + server exceptions
client_error Client error span.attribute.http.status_code/span.status.code Refer to response_code in Tag fields for explanation
server_error Server error span.attribute.http.status_code/span.status.code Refer to response_code in Tag fields for explanation
error_ratio Error ratio -- Exceptions / responses
client_error_ratio Client error ratio -- Client exceptions / responses
server_error_ratio Server error ratio -- Server exceptions / responses
message.uncompressed_size -- span.attribute.message.uncompressed_size --
messaging.message_payload_size_bytes -- span.attribute.messaging.message_payload_size_bytes --
messaging.message_payload_compressed_size_bytes -- span.attribute.messaging.message_payload_compressed_size_bytes --